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Originally it's own separate Davignon variety, 1838 17-R/22-W was found to be the same variety but struck on 2 different planchet alloys, German silver and Brass (shown here). This variety is still rare with between 5 and 10 examples documented, and an equal proportion on both planchet alloys. Brass is more susceptible than German silver to surface corrosion, as seen here, and the other two documented Brass planchet examples also show strong corrosion - therefore this surface appearance is now typical for this variety on this planchet. This variety is part of the Raised Liberty family which includes 1838 8-I. Also, and broadly speaking, the reeded edge varieties of counterfeit CBHs are much tougher to find than the earlier lettered edge varieties.

1838 17-R/22-W CBH Counterfeit

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