Inquire about current availability. Individual pieces may have sold or other varieties may have been added.
Collection of ~64 Counterfeit CBH Varieties (1815 to 1838)
SKU: 364215375135191
$11,500.00 Regular Price
$10,000.00Sale Price
Inquire for more specific details about each piece.
1815 2/B, 3/C
1820 1/A
1821 2/B, 2/C, 3/D
1822 1/A, 4/D
1823 1/A
1824 1/A
1825 1/A, 2/B, 7/G
1828 1/A, 4/D, 6/F, 8/H
1829 (unlisted)
1830 2/B, 2/N, 3/C, 8/H, 9/I, 10/O
1831 1/A, 7/G, 19/S
1832 1/A, 2/B, 3/C, 5/E, 7/G, 29/DD
1833 1/A, 2/B, 5/E, 6/F, 8/H, 10/J, 11/K, 19/S, 20/T, 29/DD, 38/LL
1834 1/A, 5/E, 7/G, 9/I, 11/K, 15/O
1835 1/A, 17/Q
1836 3/C, 5/E, 7/G,
1836-O 4/D
1837 2/B, 3/C, 4/D, 7/G
1838 1/A, 3/C, 3/E, 7/H
Shipped via USPS Registered. Alternative shipping methods available upon customer request.