

RESEARCH is the core mission of this website. It is fundamental for adding context to the coins we hold and collect. Among the many subjects within U.S. numismatics, circulated contemporary counterfeits currently has the largest research growth potential. As a result, there is an abundant amount left to learn, stories to uncover, and important information to share. Therefore, in order to grow our understanding of this subject and answer these historical questions it will take a collective and collaborative effort from many people to document and preserve the history of contemporary counterfeit U.S. coins, including varieties and associated documentation. In order to make this RESEARCH section simple to use and navigate, counterfeit coins are sorted between denomination, type, date, family, census, and independent research.
In November 2019 the book Bad Metal: Copper and Nickel Circulating Contemporary Counterfeit United States Coins was published. This is the first book in a three-part series on the history of U.S. coin counterfeiting. Once this first book sells-out, I will open the Copper and Nickel sections of this website to public access. However, please keep in mind that the book will contain more information than what is found on this website.
Efforts are on-going to complete the second and third volumes on silver and gold counterfeits, respectively. As a result of these endeavors, it was collectively agreed that the content from cccbhcc.com would transition to this website. Therefore, work is underway to complete the Capped Bust half dollar (CBH) section of this website and provide open-access to this content prior to the Silver book being published. In the meantime, please be patient while the CBH section gets built - it is a massive undertaking.

If you own a variety of counterfeit U.S. coin not documented here, or own a finer example than the website plate image shows, please contact me about getting your piece on this website. One of the primary goals of this website is image quality, and that is expected of any images added to this website.
Consideration is also being made to expand research efforts into combating the adverse effects from modern counterfeits and counterfeiting of classic U.S. coins within this hobby. Those efforts may be included here in the future as an added benefit to all numismatists.